Perth Festival Of The Arts 2025 Brochure

P E R T H F E S T I V A L O F T H E A R T S 30 P E R T H F E S T I V A L . C O . U K ST JOHN’S KIRK ST MATTHEW’S CHURCH PERTH ART GALLERY ST NINIAN’S CATHEDRAL MAY EVENTS NAVE SIDE UNDER 18 THU 22 ORA Singers £30 £20 £5 SUN 25 Rose Room £20 Unreserved £5 SAT 31 Two Classical Accordions £15 Unreserved FREE MAY EVENTS UNRESERVED UNDER 18 THU 29 The Screwtape Letters £19.50 £2 off MAY EVENTS ALL TICKETS Thu 29 Scotland Trending Words FREE but ticketed - please reserve from the box office MAY EVENTS ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C ZONE D UNDER 18 TUES 27/ WED 28 Suor Angelica, Opera Bohemia £30* £25 £22.50 £19.50 £5 NOTE: Seats in the Nave are reserved for the ORA Singers. The side is unreserved and has restricted views but screens are available. *Zone A seats include a ticket for a pre-opera Director’s Talk in the Chapterhouse in the Cathedral. Kinnoull Street multi-storey is a few minutes’ walk fromPerth Concert Hall. BALLHOUSIESTREET VICTORIASTREET ECA L P S’NHO J TS WATERGATE KINGEDWARDSTREET A989 A989 SWILLIAMSSTREET CHARL O TT E STREET S OU THSTR E ET Y ORKPL A C E H I GHSTREET M ILLST WESTBRID G ESTREET M A I NS TR EET R i ver T ay R i ver T ay R ive r Tay G L A S GOWRD KIN O ULLST RE E T CANALSTREET SMETHVENSTREET NMETHVENSTREET KINGSTREET CALEDONIANROAD BOWERSWELLROAD GANNOCHYRD MUIRHALLRD A85 A85 BARRACKSTREET STCATHERINE ’ SROAD BALLHOUSIESTREET BAROSSAPLACE BAROSSAST ROSETERR 6 7 8 9 10 FINDING YOUR WAY AROUND 1 Perth Concert Hall 2 Perth Theatre 3 Perth Art Gallery 4 St John’s Kirk of Perth 5 St Matthew’s Church 6 The Twa Tams 7 High Street/ King Edward Street 8 St Paul’s plaza 9 St Ninian’s Cathedral St John’s Shopping Centre 10